Esquimalt’s Active Transportation Network Plan: Phase II

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Have your say in developing Esquimalt's first Active Transportation Network Plan!

Thanks for taking part in our Phase I engagement. Here are some highlights for Phase II:

  1. Check out the What We Heard Report in the document library to see how your feedback was summarized.
  2. Read the summer 2021 Plan Summary Report
  3. Read the final Active Transportation Network Report
  4. Let us know if you have specific questions about the project here.

What is the Active Transportation Network Plan?

The Township of Esquimalt adopted its Official Community Plan (OCP) in 2018. The OCP includes specific objectives to help improve conditions for people walking and cycling. Building on these objectives, the Township is the process of developing its first Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP). The purpose of the plan is to:

  • identify gaps in the pedestrian and cycling network;
  • improve the quality and experience for people walking, biking and rolling;
  • provide a roadmap for high priority improvements over the short-term (5 years), medium-term (10 years), and long-term (10+years); and
  • increase the share of trips completed by active transportation and to more broadly reach the climate targets set out in the Official Community Plan.

What is Active Transportation?

Active transportation, as defined in the BC Active Transportation Design Guide, includes any form of human-powered transportation, including walking, cycling, or rolling using a skateboard, in-line skates, wheelchair or other wheel-based forms of human-powered transportation.

Have your say in developing Esquimalt's first Active Transportation Network Plan!

Thanks for taking part in our Phase I engagement. Here are some highlights for Phase II:

  1. Check out the What We Heard Report in the document library to see how your feedback was summarized.
  2. Read the summer 2021 Plan Summary Report
  3. Read the final Active Transportation Network Report
  4. Let us know if you have specific questions about the project here.

What is the Active Transportation Network Plan?

The Township of Esquimalt adopted its Official Community Plan (OCP) in 2018. The OCP includes specific objectives to help improve conditions for people walking and cycling. Building on these objectives, the Township is the process of developing its first Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP). The purpose of the plan is to:

  • identify gaps in the pedestrian and cycling network;
  • improve the quality and experience for people walking, biking and rolling;
  • provide a roadmap for high priority improvements over the short-term (5 years), medium-term (10 years), and long-term (10+years); and
  • increase the share of trips completed by active transportation and to more broadly reach the climate targets set out in the Official Community Plan.

What is Active Transportation?

Active transportation, as defined in the BC Active Transportation Design Guide, includes any form of human-powered transportation, including walking, cycling, or rolling using a skateboard, in-line skates, wheelchair or other wheel-based forms of human-powered transportation.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We Want to Hear from you!

    The proposed active transportation network improvements, including the short-term and long-term improvements, are now ready for public feedback. A more detailed overview of the proposed improvements is found in the Plan Summary document. Complete the survey below to help the Township of Esquimalt prioritize the network and infrastructure improvements. The feedback collected in the survey will inform the final list of recommendations in the Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP). After the survey is complete, the consulting team will undertake further technical analysis and prepare the Active Transportation Network Plan 

    About the Survey 

    The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, and all responses will be kept confidential and anonymous, though if you’d like to be entered into a survey prize draw for a $100 gift card to Marty's Mountain Cycle, please leave your name and email at the end of the survey.

    The survey will be open until 11:59pm on November 5, 2021.

    Thank you for your time and participation! Let's get started. 

    Personal information contained in this survey is collected under Section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used only for the purposes of developing and implementing the Township’s Active Transportation Plan. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your personal information, please contact the Corporate Officer at or 250-414-7135.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    About the Survey

    Complete the survey below to help the Township of Esquimalt better understand the existing barriers, issues, and opportunities surrounding the community’s existing active transportation network. More specifically, the feedback collected in the survey will inform the key priorities in the ATNP. 

    The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and all responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. The survey will be open until 11:59pm on April 19, 2021

    Thank you for your time and participation! Let's get started.


    Personal information provided on this survey is collected under the authority of the Community Charter and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used only for purposes related to community engagement opportunities. Any questions about the collection of your personal information should be addressed to the Corporate Officer at or 250-414-7135.  

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Page last updated: 21 Nov 2024, 03:36 PM