Let’s Talk Parking in Esquimalt

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The Township is undertaking an Integrated Parking Strategy and Regulatory Framework project as an opportunity to pursue high-level strategic direction around land use and built form, multi-modal transportation and parking management.

This means that refreshed parking strategies, policies, regulations, and management approaches will better reflect the Township’s goals and values. This will result in more certainty and a greater level of confidence to residents, businesses, developers and Council.

A comprehensive process has been undertaken to result in two key outcomes:

1. A new Public Parking Management Strategy to guide decision-making and implementation for publicly provided parking – including EV charging, bicycle parking and accessible parking

2. A new Parking Bylaw that incorporate contemporary standards to ensure appropriate and desirable parking conditions are included in future land development

Both plans are nearing completion. These drafts are the product of public feedback, council direction and applied best practices. The public was invited to comment on the documents from September 6-October 4. The documents will go before council in late October 2023.


The draft Strategy and Bylaw are available online. Emerging recommendations include:

Esquimalt Parking Management Strategy – The Strategy provides guidance for the decision-making and implementation of publicly provided parking. Refreshed parking strategies, regulations and management approaches include:

  • Refinements to the residential parking program, including the expansion of residential permit zones.
  • Supporting sustainable transportation through improved bicycle and EV parking infrastructure.
  • Modernizing approaches to enforcement and parking compliance.

Parking Bylaw updated and modernized regulation to ensure appropriate and desirable parking conditions are achieved through land development. Key areas of change to the off-street parking regulations include:

  • Vehicle Parking Supply Rates
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
  • Bicycle Parking + End-of-Trip Facilities
  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM)

Previous community feedback opportunities:

Let’s Talk Parking virtual information session:

Comments? engineering@esquimalt.ca

The Township is undertaking an Integrated Parking Strategy and Regulatory Framework project as an opportunity to pursue high-level strategic direction around land use and built form, multi-modal transportation and parking management.

This means that refreshed parking strategies, policies, regulations, and management approaches will better reflect the Township’s goals and values. This will result in more certainty and a greater level of confidence to residents, businesses, developers and Council.

A comprehensive process has been undertaken to result in two key outcomes:

1. A new Public Parking Management Strategy to guide decision-making and implementation for publicly provided parking – including EV charging, bicycle parking and accessible parking

2. A new Parking Bylaw that incorporate contemporary standards to ensure appropriate and desirable parking conditions are included in future land development

Both plans are nearing completion. These drafts are the product of public feedback, council direction and applied best practices. The public was invited to comment on the documents from September 6-October 4. The documents will go before council in late October 2023.


The draft Strategy and Bylaw are available online. Emerging recommendations include:

Esquimalt Parking Management Strategy – The Strategy provides guidance for the decision-making and implementation of publicly provided parking. Refreshed parking strategies, regulations and management approaches include:

  • Refinements to the residential parking program, including the expansion of residential permit zones.
  • Supporting sustainable transportation through improved bicycle and EV parking infrastructure.
  • Modernizing approaches to enforcement and parking compliance.

Parking Bylaw updated and modernized regulation to ensure appropriate and desirable parking conditions are achieved through land development. Key areas of change to the off-street parking regulations include:

  • Vehicle Parking Supply Rates
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
  • Bicycle Parking + End-of-Trip Facilities
  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM)

Previous community feedback opportunities:

Let’s Talk Parking virtual information session:

Comments? engineering@esquimalt.ca

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We recognize the importance of making smart use of our shared spaces and want to make sure businesses, residents and local organizations have input.

    A comprehensive process will be undertaken that results in two key outcomes:

    1. A new Public Parking Strategy to guide decision making and implementation for publicly provided parking – including EV charging, bicycle parking and accessible parking  

    2. An updated and modernized Parking Bylaw that ensures appropriate and desirable parking conditions are included in future land development

    Your input will help direct the Township toward parking management priorities that will form the basis of the Integrated Parking Strategy and Regulatory Framework. Thank you for your input!

    Personal information contained in this survey is collected under Section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used only for the purposes of developing and implementing the Township’s Integrated Parking Strategy. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your personal information, please contact the Corporate Officer at corporate.services@esquimalt.ca or 250-414-7135.

    Having trouble with the tool? Download our printable survey here or pick one up during business hours at Esquimalt Municipal Hall

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Page last updated: 15 May 2024, 11:59 AM